
Cervical Cancer Stage 3B - Radiation begins... Radioactive Red

Well, here I am again, sat staring at my laptop screen for the 100th time, trying to start blog number 4 in my cervical cancer survivor series. The first three blogs ( ) came quite easily but I don't know how to begin with this one, I keep starting and stopping and changing as I don't want to miss anything out. I'm scared that I will miss something that can help someone but I will do my best... As you may already know, my first 3 blogs told the story of how I was diagnosed with stage 3B Cervical Cancer at just 28. They gave details of the symptoms that lead to my diagnosis, how the cancer was found, information on what happened before starting treatment, my friends/family and all the feelings that went with it. This blog will tell the tale of the radiation part of chemoradiatiom. And once again, I will start where my last blog finished... I was a 28 year old mother with awesome friends and family but I had stage 3B Cervical Cancer

Cervical Cancer Stage 3B - Preparing for Treatment

I'm back again for the 3rd blog in my Cancer Survivor series. So far I'm loving doing these blogs. I'm still no writer but by just getting everything down and sharing my experience with others is helping me in ways I didn't believe imaginable. I'm a proud survivor of cancer and I'm so happy with my progress and writing these, seems to be giving me some closure. Closure that I didn't know I needed and hopefully, I am helping others in similar situations. My first 2 blogs, which I hope you have already looked at, told the tale of how I discovered I had cancer and what came next. From my initial symptoms of pain and bleeding to finding out what stage I was and what treatment was available. I'm going to try and pick up pretty much where I left of... So, as a 28 year old, single mother, I had just learned that I had stage 3B cervical cancer but, luckily, it was curable, with some hard work. I had been told I was going to have Chemoradiation and brachy the

Cervical Cancer Stage 3B - So, I had Crvical Cancer. What came next...

It's time to get the next chapter started. Hopefully you have already read my first blog on how I found out I had cancer but just in case, here's a quick recap. On March 6th 2016, as a 28 year old single mother and after months of pain, bleeding, loss of appetite and numerous unsuccessful doctor visits, I was told I had cancer. A large mass on my cervix that should have been found sooner. My last blog ended at the start of the longest two weeks of my life. This blog will tell you about the emotions I went through as well as giving details on what came next. Chances of survival and the feelings that came with not knowing... So, I had just found out I had Cervical Cancer and had two weeks to wait for an MRI and a biopsy which would tell me what stage I was, what treatments I could have or if I was terminal. I hope to never have another two weeks like that again and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I still had the pain and bleeding but now I was feeling every type of feel